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 Welcome to Kilcooley Nursery

Mrs Campbell is our Nursery teacher.

Mrs Duncan is our Nursery teacher while Mrs Campbell is off.
Mrs Steele is our assistant.

Miss Quirey is a 1-1. 



We have had a fantastically fun filled first half term in Nursery!

The children have settled in so well and we are very proud of how quickly they have picked up all our new Nursery routines like snack, lining up, tidying up, putting on our own coats and even setting our own table for dinners.


Our first topic this year has been Bears.  We have been reading bear stories, learning bear songs and rhymes and painting our own teddy bears.  Our role play corner was transformed into The Three Bears House and we had super fun going on a Bear Hunt in our Nursery Garden.  We were also finding out about real bears: what they look like, where they live and what they like to eat.  We even had a special bring your teddy to school day for some teddy fun and games.


More recently we have been discovering Autumn, observing the changes in the weather and studying the changing colours of the leaves on the trees.  The children have been bringing in lots of exciting things for our Autumn interest table.  Again we have been doing lots of Autumnal arts and crafts, singing Autumn songs and brushing up the leaves in our garden.  Then after all our hard work we enjoyed some homemade hot chocolate!


Finally we finished off half term by preparing for Halloween.  We made scary spiders, ghoulish ghosts and pretty pumpkins to decorate our room.  We carved our own pumpkins and then finished off the half term by having a fancy dress party.  


Mrs Duncan, Mrs Steele and Miss Quiery
