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In P3 we are learning about celebrations. The class are enjoying researching different celebrations around the world and the activities involved.  


Our Literacy focus is Narrative writing, we will be creating story maps and writing our own stories. We are really enjoying poetry and p3 have won a competition for writing acrostic poems. All our name poems will be published in a poetry book, we are super proud. In numeracy we are learning about 2D shapes and their properties.


ABL is p3’s favourite time as they can be very creative. We have been making lovely pieces of art such as fireworks and Holi colour pieces. We have also created a scarecrow as part of our last topic,  which won Hillmount Garden centres competition. Our scarecrow Auld Connery is now being kept in the garden with our new beautiful butterfly bush, which the class bought with the prize money.

During break and lunch time we are enjoying our TOPS programme. P3 really enjoy time on their bikes and trikes during this time.


Miss McCloud

Miss Boyle


